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Species Guide
A photo of a African Dusky Flycatcher (Muscicapa adusta)
African Dusky Flycatcher

African Dusky Flycatcher

Muscicapa adusta

The African dusky flycatcher, known scientifically as Muscicapa adusta, is a diminutive member of the Old World flycatcher family, Muscicapidae. This bird, also referred to as the dusky-brown flycatcher or dusky alseonax, measures approximately 13 cm in length and tips the scales at around 11 grams. It boasts a modest plumage with upperparts of a uniform brown shade. A subtle, narrow eye-ring is the sole facial marking of note. The chin presents a plain pale grey, while the rest of the underparts are a grey-brown with faint streaks. The bill is short, straight, and laterally flattened, presenting in black, while the legs and feet are grey, and the eyes are a deep brown. Both sexes appear similar, though juveniles can be distinguished by their buff-spotted upperparts and whitish, brown-spotted underparts.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify the African dusky flycatcher, look for its smaller size and darker underparts compared to the spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata. Unlike its common migrant relative, the African dusky flycatcher does not exhibit a streaked forehead.


The African dusky flycatcher is very common within its preferred woodland habitat. It thrives in riverine forests, edges of evergreen forests, clearings, particularly near bodies of water such as lakes, dams, and streams, and is also a familiar sight in well-wooded suburban gardens.


This bird is a resident breeder, with its range spanning from Nigeria, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Ethiopia, all the way south to South Africa.


The African dusky flycatcher is typically observed either singly or in pairs. It is known to forage from an open perch, often engaging in short flights to capture insects. This species constructs a cup-shaped nest within a tree cavity, a few meters above the ground, and is known to lay two or three green eggs. Remarkably, the same nesting site is often reused in subsequent breeding seasons. The African dusky flycatcher is monogamous, forming lifelong mating bonds.

Song & Calls

The vocalizations of the African dusky flycatcher include soft, high-pitched "tzeeet" and "tsirit" calls.

Conservation status

The African dusky flycatcher is classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. It has a large range estimated at 2,300,000 km² and is believed to have a large population size. There is no evidence to suggest that the population is declining at a rate that would meet the criteria for a more threatened category.

African Dusky Flycatcher Sounds

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