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Species Guide

Mountain Thrush

Turdus plebejus

The Mountain Thrush, known scientifically as Turdus plebejus, is a robust member of the thrush family, Turdidae. This bird, once called the Mountain Robin, is a Central American native with a rather unassuming plumage. Adults are cloaked in a uniform dull olive-brown, with subtle white streaks gracing the throat. They measure between 23 to 26 centimeters in length and tip the scales at an average of 86 grams. The bill is a stark black, while the legs are a dark brown hue. Juveniles share a resemblance with adults but are distinguished by buff or orange streaks on their head and upperparts, and dark spotting on their underparts.

Identification Tips

To identify the Mountain Thrush, look for its olive-brown plumage and faint white throat streaks. It can be confused with its relatives, the Sooty Thrush, which is darker with an orange bill, eye ring, and legs, and the Clay-colored Thrush, which is paler with a yellow bill.


The Mountain Thrush has a preference for tall mountain forests rich with oak, epiphytes, and mosses. It is typically found from altitudes of 1,800 meters up to the timberline.


This species is distributed across the highlands from southern Mexico to western Panama. It is known to descend in flocks to as low as 900 meters above sea level during the wet season.


The Mountain Thrush exhibits typical thrush behaviors, foraging on large branches or the ground, often in flocks outside of the breeding season. It moves in a series of hops and dashes, pausing frequently to overturn leaf litter in search of small fruits, insects, and spiders.


The breeding habits of the Mountain Thrush involve constructing a large cup nest lined with grass or rootlets, hidden amongst epiphytes on a tree branch, 3 to 12 meters off the ground. The female lays 2 to 3 unmarked greenish-blue eggs between March and June. The breeding season song is a mechanical monotone "chip chip cher chip chip cher cher," while the call is a high-pitched "seee" or "whip."

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List has classified the Mountain Thrush as Least Concern, indicating that, currently, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers.

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Mountain Thrushes on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Sarah B
Sarah B
06 Jan 2025 - 1:38pm
Costa Rica

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