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Species Guide

Green-throated Carib

Eulampis holosericeus

The green-throated carib (Eulampis holosericeus) is a striking species of hummingbird, notable for its vibrant plumage and dynamic presence. This large hummingbird measures between 10.5 to 12 cm in length, with both sexes sporting a luminous green back—though the female's is somewhat less vivid—and a similarly bright green gorget. The male's gorget is edged with blue, a detail often concealed unless viewed at close range. Both genders exhibit a black belly and a green vent area, while their dark blue tail can appear almost black in dim lighting. The male's bill is of medium length and slightly decurved, whereas the female's is longer and more pronouncedly curved.

Identification Tips

To identify the green-throated carib, look for the bright green plumage on the back and gorget, the black belly, and the dark blue tail. The male's slightly decurved bill and the female's longer, more curved bill are also distinguishing features. The subspecies E. h. chlorolaemus, found exclusively in Grenada, has somewhat darker underparts than the nominate subspecies.


The green-throated carib is adaptable, inhabiting a range of environments from wet to semi-deciduous forests, cultivated areas, gardens, and parks. On Martinique, it can also be found in drier habitats. While commonly seen near sea level on many islands, in Dominica, it is more prevalent in the foothills.


This hummingbird is generally sedentary, with the nominate subspecies distributed from eastern Puerto Rico through the Virgin Islands and down the Lesser Antilles chain, stopping short of Grenada. The subspecies E. h. chlorolaemus is endemic to Grenada.


The green-throated carib is known to move to wetter areas post-breeding season. Males are believed to defend flowering territories year-round, while females do so only outside the breeding season. This species also captures small arthropods in flight, supplementing its nectar diet.

Song & calls

The vocalizations of the green-throated carib include a sharp "chup!" or "chuwp!" call. During territorial disputes, it may produce rattles and whirs with its wings, adding to its auditory repertoire.


Breeding is believed to occur from March to July, with timing possibly influenced by rainfall. The nest is a cup of soft fibers with lichen and bark chips on the exterior, typically placed in a branch fork. The clutch consists of two eggs, with an incubation period of 17 to 19 days and fledging occurring 20 to 22 days post-hatch. Birds reach breeding maturity in their second year and may nest twice annually.

Conservation status

The IUCN has classified the green-throated carib as Least Concern. Although its population size and trend are not fully known, it is considered common within its restricted range. The species adapts well to human-altered habitats, but habitat fragmentation could pose a potential threat due to its not fully understood movement patterns.

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