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Species Guide

Brooks's Leaf Warbler

Phylloscopus subviridis

The Brooks's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus subviridis) is a diminutive and active bird, a member of the Old World warbler family Phylloscopidae. It is a species that flits through the foliage with a certain elegance, its plumage a subtle blend of greens and yellows, well-suited to its arboreal lifestyle.

Distribution and Habitat

This warbler graces us with its presence across a range of countries, including Afghanistan, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. It is most at home in the boreal and temperate forests, where it can be seen—or more often heard—amongst the leafy canopies.


The Brooks's leaf warbler is a bird of the treetops, seldom descending to the ground. It is a restless forager, constantly on the move in search of insects hidden among the leaves.

Conservation Status

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the Brooks's leaf warbler as Least Concern. This status reflects the bird's wide distribution and presumably large population, indicating that, for now, it is not facing any immediate threats to its survival.

Similar Species

The Brooks's leaf warbler could be confused with its close relative, Hume's leaf warbler. However, keen observers will note differences in plumage and song that help to distinguish these two species.

Diet and Feeding

Insects form the staple of the Brooks's leaf warbler's diet. It is an adept hunter, gleaning its tiny prey from the foliage with quick, adept movements.


The species was first described by the ornithologist William Edwin Brooks, whose legacy lives on not only in the name of this bird but also through his son, Allan Brooks, a noted Canadian bird illustrator.

In the forests where the Brooks's leaf warbler resides, its presence is a testament to the rich tapestry of avian life that thrives in these ecosystems. As we turn the pages of our field guides and peer through our binoculars, we are reminded of the intricate connections between species, habitats, and the histories that bind them.

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Brooks's Leaf Warblers on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Hemant Kirola
17 Dec 2016 - 8:00am

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