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Species Guide
A photo of a White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos)
White-winged Chough

White-winged Chough

Corcorax melanorhamphos

The White-winged Chough, Corcorax melanorhamphos, is a distinctive Australian bird, a member of the mud-nest builders family, Corcoracidae. It is a large, predominantly black bird, with a length of approximately 45 cm, comparable in size to a raven or slightly larger than an Australian magpie. Its most striking features are the red eyes, which intensify in color when the bird is agitated, and the white wing patches that are conspicuous in flight.

Identification Tips

When perched, the White-winged Chough may be confused with a crow due to its dark plumage. However, it can be distinguished by its red eyes and the finer, slightly down-curved beak. In flight, the white patches on its wings are a key identifying characteristic. Observers should also note the bird's unique swagger as it walks and its distinctive calls.


This species is well-adapted to a variety of habitats, including woodlands and forests where it can forage through leaf litter on the ground.


The White-winged Chough is native to southern and eastern Australia, where it is a common sight across its range.


White-winged Choughs are highly social and territorial birds, living in cohesive flocks that can number up to 20 individuals, typically comprising the offspring of a single pair. They are not particularly adept fliers and spend most of their time on the ground, foraging in a loose group and communicating with soft calls. They exhibit a fascinating behavior of kidnapping fledglings from other groups to bolster their own numbers for the next breeding season.

Song & Calls

The bird's vocalizations include a grating alarm call and a distinctive descending piping call, which is quite different from the calls of other birds within its habitat.


Breeding is a communal affair with all members of the flock participating in the raising of the young. The nest is a deep cup made of grass and mud, situated in a tree fork. The breeding season spans from August to December, with the clutch consisting of three to five cream-colored eggs.

Similar Species

While it may be mistaken for crows or ravens due to its coloration, the White-winged Chough's red eyes, beak shape, and white wing patches set it apart.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the White-winged Chough is varied, including seeds, grasses, and a wide array of arthropods. They forage in leaf litter and rotten wood for termites and beetles and have been known to visit tourist sites for supplementary feeding.

Conservation status

The White-winged Chough is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, indicating that it is not at immediate risk of population decline.

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