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Species Guide
A photo of a Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera), female
Varied Sittella, Female

Varied Sittella

Daphoenositta chrysoptera

The varied sittella, known scientifically as Daphoenositta chrysoptera, is a diminutive songbird endemic to the diverse landscapes of Australia. Commonly referred to as the Australian nuthatch, orange-winged sittella, or barkpecker, this species measures a mere 10 to 11 centimeters in length. Its plumage is a mosaic of colors, varying significantly across its range and among its subspecies.

Identification Tips

To identify the varied sittella, one should look for a bird with a crown and head that may be white, grey, or black, and a body that is typically whitish or grey, often adorned with streaks of black and grey. Its wings are a striking black, with a conspicuous bar that is either white or cinnamon in color. The bird's iris is a dark orange, complemented by an eye-ring, legs, and feet of orange-yellow. The beak is a vibrant orange with a black tip that may extend towards the base. These features, however, can differ based on the subspecies.


The varied sittella is an adaptable bird that can be found in a range of habitats across Australia.


This species boasts a broad distribution across the Australian continent, with five recognized subspecies occupying distinct regions:

  • D. c. leucoptera inhabits northwest to north-central Australia.
  • D. c. striata is found in northeast Australia.
  • D. c. leucocephala resides in east Australia.
  • D. c. chrysoptera is native to southeast Australia.
  • D. c. pileata spans southwest, west-central, central, and south Australia.


In their natural behavior, varied sittellas forage in trees of all heights, displaying a nuthatch-like tendency to descend erratically down trunks. They are gregarious, often found in flocks, and their diet primarily consists of spiders and insects, which they skillfully extract from beneath the bark.

Song & Calls

The calls of the varied sittella are distinctive, starting with a thin, high-pitched 'chwit' that escalates to a louder, metallic 'tchweit-tchweit-tchweit' when multiple birds engage in a call-and-response as they transition from one tree to another.


During the breeding season, which spans from August to October in the north and September to December in the south, larger flocks disperse into smaller breeding groups. These typically consist of a breeding pair and several unmated adults and immatures from the previous season. The nest is a cone-shaped structure crafted from bark, fibers, and spider webs, situated 5 to 25 meters above the ground. The female lays a clutch of two or three blue-spotted, white eggs, each measuring 17 mm by 13 mm, and incubates them for 18 to 20 days.

Conservation status

The varied sittella is currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that it is not at immediate risk of widespread decline.

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