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Striated Grasswren

Amytornis striatus

The Striated Grasswren, a member of the genus Amytornis, is a small, ground-dwelling bird endemic to Australia's arid and semi-arid regions. This cryptically colored species is characterized by a distinctive gap in the feathering between the shoulder blades, an enlarged auditory bulla, and ten rectrices. The bird's plumage is highly variable, blending with the local environment, and exhibits slight sexual dimorphism with females sporting a brighter rufous flank-patch. The Striated Grasswren is a slim bird with a long tail and a slender pointed bill, displaying soft red-brown coloration streaked with white, an orange-buff eyebrow, and a bold black submoustachial stripe.

Identification Tips

When identifying the Striated Grasswren, look for its long, usually cocked tail, and its soft red-brown plumage streaked with white. The bird's orange-buff eyebrow and fore-supercilium, white throat, and buffish underbody are also key features. The species is larger than fairy-wrens, weighing between 17-20 grams, and has prominent white streaking on its brown, rufous, and black plumage.


The Striated Grasswren is found in sandplains, dunes, and stony hills dominated by spinifex grass, sometimes with an overstorey of shrubs such as grevillea, Hakea, acacia, banksia, or mallee eucalypts. Spinifex grass is critical for foraging, nesting, and protection.


This species has a large, discontinuous range across western, central, and southern Australia, including northern South Australia, central and southwestern New South Wales, northwest Victoria, and southern and eastern South Australia.


Striated Grasswrens are typically seen in pairs or small groups, exhibiting shy and unobtrusive behavior. They are poor fliers, preferring to flit or hop from perch to perch within vegetation, and run or hop on the ground in fast, jerky movements. They may become more inquisitive during the breeding season.

Song & Calls

The Striated Grasswren has three distinct calls: a high-pitched contact call, a louder and more complex song, and a short, loud alarm call. The song, a sweet, rippling reel, can be heard up to 40 meters away and is less frequently uttered than the contact call.


Breeding typically occurs between July and November, with nests being bulky domed structures of spinifex spines, lined with soft materials. Clutches usually consist of 2, rarely 3 eggs, which are incubated by the female. Both parents are active in feeding the chicks and removing faecal sacs. Chicks fledge at 12-14 days old.

Similar Species

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Diet and Feeding

The Striated Grasswren is insectivorous and granivorous, foraging on the ground and gleaning from foliage for beetles, ants, and seeds. They may form foraging associations with other bird species.

Conservation status

The Striated Grasswren is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN. However, habitat loss due to agriculture, wildfires, grazing by introduced herbivores, and predation by introduced predators like foxes and cats are significant threats. Conservation efforts include fire management, reduced grazing, and control of exotic pests. The species is listed as near threatened nationally and vulnerable in some states.

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Striated Grasswrens on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Matthew Egan
09 Apr 2023 - 6:27am

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