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Rose-throated Becard

Pachyramphus aglaiae

The Rose-throated Becard, Pachyramphus aglaiae, presents itself as a medium-sized bird adorned with a family lineage in the Tityridae. The males of the species boast a distinctive rose-colored neck bib, setting them apart with their gray plumage, darker on the upperside and paler beneath. A striking black crown sits atop their heads. Females, on the other hand, wear a more subdued palette of browns, with a rusty upper side and a pale buffy underside, crowned with a less conspicuous dark gray.

Identification Tips

When observing the Rose-throated Becard, look for the male's rose-colored throat patch and black crown, contrasting with its gray body. Females lack the rose coloration and have a more uniform brown appearance with a dark gray crown. Their mournful "seeeeuuuwww" call may also aid in identification.


These birds are typically found in riparian zones within pine-oak woodlands and evergreen forests, where they can be seen flitting among the foliage.


The Rose-throated Becard breeds from the southeasternmost reaches of Arizona and the southernmost tip of Texas in the United States, extending down to western Panama. In the United States, their breeding is sporadic, becoming more consistent further south into Mexico. While generally permanent residents, those found in the United States tend to migrate come winter.


The Rose-throated Becard is known to be a permanent resident in most of its range, with some migration observed in the northernmost populations. They exhibit a breeding season that peaks from May to July, with some variation at higher elevations.

Song & Calls

The species is known for its distinctive and somewhat plaintive call, described as a "seeeeuuuwww," which can be heard across their habitat.


During the breeding season, these becards construct a remarkable domed, pendulous nest that dangles from a lofty tree branch. Their eggs, numbering three to six, display a fascinating array of colors from off-white to light purple, olive, and pinkish, often adorned with scrawling, spotted markings at the larger end.

Diet and Feeding

In their quest for sustenance, Rose-throated Becards primarily feast on insects, which they skillfully glean from vegetation or occasionally snatch mid-flight. They also supplement their diet with berries and seeds.

Conservation status

The Rose-throated Becard is considered abundant within its range and is classified as a species of Least Concern. However, data on their overall population trends is lacking, and there is evidence of decline at the periphery of their range due to human activities.

Rose-throated Becard Sounds

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Rose-throated Becards on Birda


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