The Brownish Twistwing, also known as the Brownish Flycatcher, is a member of the Tyrannidae family. This avian species is notable for being the sole representative of the genus Cnipodectes until the recent addition of Cnipodectes superrufus in 2007.
While the guide does not provide specific identification tips, one can infer that the Brownish Twistwing may be identified by its brownish plumage, typical of the genus Cnipodectes.
The Brownish Twistwing thrives in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, where it can be observed flitting through the understory.
This species has a broad range across several countries in South America. It can be found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru.
The IUCN Red List has classified the Brownish Twistwing as Least Concern, indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers that would warrant a more urgent conservation status.