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Species Guide

Northern Scrub Flycatcher

Sublegatus arenarum

The Northern Scrub Flycatcher, known scientifically as Sublegatus arenarum, is a member of the Tyrannidae family, a group distinguished by their flycatching prowess.

Identification Tips

This species exhibits the typical flycatcher morphology with a modest size and a somewhat subdued color palette, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its natural surroundings.


The Northern Scrub Flycatcher is quite adaptable, making its home in a variety of environments. It thrives in subtropical or tropical dry forests, moist lowland forests, mangrove forests, and dry shrublands, each offering unique resources for the bird's survival.


A bird of many nations, the Northern Scrub Flycatcher can be found across a swath of Latin America. Its range extends from Aruba to Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, the Netherlands Antilles, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List categorizes the Northern Scrub Flycatcher as Least Concern, indicating that, for now, the species does not face any imminent threats to its survival on a global scale.

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Northern Scrub Flycatchers on Birda


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Birda is an excellent platform to share your love of Birding and is a great tool of encouragement for a Birding Beginner like me. Birda has a very kind and supportive community of Birding enthusiasts. For me BIRDA is not only a BIRDING but also a WELLBEING App.
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