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Species Guide

Choco Tinamou

Crypturellus kerriae

The Choco tinamou, Crypturellus kerriae, presents itself as a modestly sized bird, measuring between 25 to 26.5 cm in length. Its plumage is predominantly dark brown, with a blackish crown and slate-grey neck sides, complemented by a whitish throat and subtle dusky barring. A distinctive feature is its red legs. The female of the species tends to be darker, with more pronounced barring on the wing-coverts and breast, and greyish flanks.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify the Choco tinamou, look for a small, dark bird with red legs. The male and female can be differentiated by the intensity of their coloration and the pattern of their barring.


This species favors the lushness of tropical and sub-tropical moist evergreen forests, thriving at both lowland and montane elevations up to 1,500 meters. It exhibits a preference for higher altitudes within its range.


The Choco tinamou graces the northwestern reaches of Colombia's Chocó Department and the southern expanse of Panama's Darién Department.


The Choco tinamou is known for its low, faint, and somewhat mournful three-note whistle. It forages on the forest floor, consuming a varied diet of fruit, invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots. The male takes on the role of incubating eggs from multiple females and subsequently rearing the chicks until they are self-sufficient, typically within 2-3 weeks. The nest is strategically placed on the ground amidst dense vegetation or between raised root buttresses.

Song & Calls

The vocalization of the Choco tinamou is characterized by a soft, melancholic three-note whistle, which can be heard emanating from the depths of its forest habitat.


The male Choco tinamou is a dedicated parent, incubating eggs from up to four different females and caring for the young until they are ready to fend for themselves.

Diet and Feeding

This tinamou's diet is eclectic, ranging from ground fruits and low-lying bushes to invertebrates, flower buds, leaves, seeds, and roots.

Conservation status

The Choco tinamou is classified as Vulnerable. Its population is under threat due to habitat destruction from road construction, human settlement, timber extraction, and mining. The species is protected within several national parks, but its numbers are estimated to be less than 10,000 adult birds, with a range of occurrence of 6,200 km². Conservation measures include habitat protection and proposed surveys to better understand its status and distribution.

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Choco Tinamous on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Zac Peterson
Zac Peterson
09 Jun 2022 - 5:45pm

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Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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