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Scaly-headed Parrot

Pionus maximiliani

The Scaly-headed Parrot, also known as the Maximilian Pionus, is a medium-sized bird with a robust build, measuring between 25 to 29 centimeters in length and weighing between 233 to 293 grams. It is adorned with a distinctive scaly pattern on its head, which gives rise to its common name.

Identification Tips

Adults of the nominate subspecies, Pionus maximiliani, are characterized by a blackish-brown forehead and mid-crown, with the rest of the head, nape, and upper back displaying a dark greenish-bronze hue. The feathers here are edged darker, contributing to the scaly appearance. The eye is framed by arcs of bare white skin. The lower back and wings are a dull green with lighter scaling, while the throat and upper breast transition from dull blue to a yellowish-green belly. Red undertail coverts and a base of the tail, along with green inner tail feathers and blue outer ones, complete the palette. Juveniles exhibit a paler green head and less blue on the breast.


The Scaly-headed Parrot occupies a range of environments, from deciduous and gallery forests in drier regions to humid evergreen and semi-deciduous forests, including those dominated by Araucaria trees. It can be found at elevations up to 1,600 meters in Brazil and 2,000 meters in Argentina.


This species is distributed across Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay. It has four recognized subspecies, each with a specific range within these countries.


Scaly-headed Parrots are sedentary birds, remaining in their range throughout the year. They have been observed breeding in the wild as far as Malaga, Spain, where they have established a feral population.

Song & Calls

The vocal repertoire of the Scaly-headed Parrot includes a high, shrill "teer-teer-teer" call and a primary flight call described as a bisyllabic "cra-cheh". When perched, they emit a variety of 'conversational' calls, some with a nasal quality.


The breeding season of the Scaly-headed Parrot varies geographically and is not fully defined. They nest in tree cavities, and in captivity, they lay clutches of four to five eggs, with the young fledging after nine weeks.

Similar Species

The Scaly-headed Parrot is closely related to the Red-billed Parrot, with which it shares a sister species relationship.

Diet and Feeding

These parrots feed on a diverse diet that includes seeds, flowers, and fruits from a wide array of plants.

Conservation status

The IUCN has classified the Scaly-headed Parrot as Least Concern, noting its extensive range. However, the population size is unknown and suspected to be decreasing, primarily due to the illegal pet trade. It remains common in southern Brazil and is found in varying densities throughout its range.

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Scaly-headed Parrots on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Cecily Salmon
15 Apr 2024 - 2:04pm

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