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The palmchat (Dulus dominicus) is a small, olive-brown passerine bird associated with palm trees, found only on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola and neighboring islets. It shares taxonomic relations with waxwings and is recognized as the national bird of the Dominican Republic. It measures around 20 cm in length, with a yellow-green rump and yellow bill, and lacks sexual dimorphism. These birds are highly sociable and populate various habitats up to 1500 meters above sea level, including palm savannas and urban parks. They nest communally in large structures made of twigs, often in palms, and lay 2-4 spotted eggs. Palmchats feed on fruits, berries, and flowers. Known for their noisy and varied vocalizations, they hardly produce a coherent song despite being categorized as songbirds. The species is adaptable and not currently facing significant population declines, and therefore is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.


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Birda is a birdwatching app and community aimed at curious people who want to deepen their connection with nature.
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Your birdwatching journey like never before

Connect with nature in minutes
Take a walk, look out of the window and log the birds that you see. Feel good about those little connections to nature.
Discover the joy of birding
Find new birding spots, see more birds, share and celebrate with a like-minded community of nature lovers.
Play your part in saving nature
Logging your birding sightings and sessions turns into positive action for our planet. Every sighting counts.

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What Our Birders Say
Louise L
Easy to use and accurate
Love this app. It is easy to use and accurate, Their backup communication is really good. I noted a missing species. All through the process, I was kept informed about the progress in correcting the information. I now have the corrected, updated version. 😁 Thanks!
Carl B
Helped me to identify more birds
Love this app and has helped me to identify more birds. The challenges and badges are great for keeping the motivation going to get out and keep birding.
Erna M
I really like Birda
I really like Birda. I also use other birding apps and have Birda with E-bird going at the same time.
Ideal Birdwatch Companion
Simply adds to the enjoyment of my birdwatching and helps me record what I’ve seen.
Emma L
App got me interested in birding!
Super friendly community <3 This app got me interested in birding! It teaches me cool stuff and its super friendly, and fun :) The species guide is really developing my knowledge, and i love seeing cool new birds from round the world!
Simply fantastic
I love this app, it puts so much fun into recording the birds I’ve seen and heard while I’m out and about. The interface is user-friendly and suitable for all ages. It’s great to collect badges and to review my “lists”.
Patricia L
Very encouraging birding app
Easy to use, fun to see progress and encouraging to receive feedback from other users.
Nick S
Work together with community
Been loving using this app to log my bird sightings and work together with community members to identify different birds. I've already learned a lot since I started about a month ago!
Gets me outdoors more
I'm still loving this app. I use it most days & gets me outdoors more. Enjoying watching others progress and photo's, it's improved my wellbeing.... I love this app! I can keep a record of sightings and see what others have seen too.
Hip An
Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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