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Indigobirds, Whydahs

Indigobirds and whydahs are part of the Viduidae family, small finch-like African birds known for their mainly black or indigo plumage; the breeding males of whydahs feature notably long tails. They are unique as obligate brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of estrildid finches, preferring firefinches or pytilias, depending on the species, without harming the host's eggs. Recognizing hosts is crucial; for instance, the village indigobird is often associated with red-billed firefinches. These birds' remarkable ability to mimic their host's song is essential for mating; females select males that sing the same song, maintaining the species-specific parasitic relationship. Speciation within this group is largely driven by their host matching, indicating they are recently evolved species. The Viduidae family encompasses two genera: Vidua, which includes various indigobirds like the village, purple, Jambandu, and different types of whydahs, such as the pin-tailed and shaft-tailed; and Anomalospiza, with the cuckoo-finch, also known as the parasitic weaver.


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Birda is a birdwatching app and community aimed at curious people who want to deepen their connection with nature.
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Take a walk, look out of the window and log the birds that you see. Feel good about those little connections to nature.
Discover the joy of birding
Find new birding spots, see more birds, share and celebrate with a like-minded community of nature lovers.
Play your part in saving nature
Logging your birding sightings and sessions turns into positive action for our planet. Every sighting counts.

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I really enjoy using Birda, all sightings are recorded and photos can be added. There are monthly challenges which help to get you out to record your sightings. The Birda community are great and are happy to help with unidentified bird sightings. Suitable for all ages and experience!
Gets me outdoors more
I'm still loving this app. I use it most days & gets me outdoors more. Enjoying watching others progress and photo's, it's improved my wellbeing.... I love this app! I can keep a record of sightings and see what others have seen too.
Alice J
Awesome Birding Community
I absolutely love the community aspect of this app. The app is so user friendly and has fun interactive challenges to get you out birding. I’ve tried others but since I’ve started using Birda I’ve not gone back!
Learning Birding with Birda
I’m relatively new to birding as a hobby, and Birda is a great way to keep track off all the species I see. I’m still working on my ID skills, but the app is great for figuring out potential species, and the online community is so friendly and helpful. Definitely recommend Birda to both early and serious birders! 🐦
Awesome App
I really enjoy using this app! It is such a friendly community of bird-lovers who are happy to help if I need ID advice. It’s been great motivation to get outdoors and go birding more! 10/10 😍😍
Jane N
A great app
Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
Stewart W
Fantastic to be involved
Fantastic to be involved, great for mental health and gets you responding with the Challenges that are to takd part in.
David C
Very knowledgeable group
Nice friendly birding community. Very knowledgeable group with a willingness to help.
Recommend for any bird watcher
Very wholesome app: I joined this app with a new interest in watching birds to help me find out what I was spotting. The community is very active in helping identify birds which is great and everyone is very kind so it’s just a nice wholesome community. I would definitely recommend this for any bird spotter 😃
Great bird recording
For a while I’ve been trying to find an app to easily record bird lists and day out and struggled to find one that I like. Birda is great for this, straightforward and a great community!
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