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Double-banded Plover

Charadrius bicinctus

The Double-banded Plover, known in New Zealand as the Banded Dotterel or Pohowera, is a charming species of bird within the plover family. Exhibiting a dark, grey-brown back, this bird is most notable for its white chest adorned with two distinct bands—a thin black one just below the neck and a broader brown one beneath it. The males, particularly during the breeding season, display these bands more prominently than the females. Juveniles lack these bands and are speckled brown on top with paler underparts. These shorebirds possess long legs suited for wading in shallow waters and agile, pointed wings for long-distance travel. Their large, dark-brown eyes and sturdy black bill complete their striking appearance.

Identification Tips

Spotting the Double-banded Plover can be a challenge due to its habitat's similar color palette. However, their distinctive "chirp-chirp" call and behavior of running swiftly before pausing to feed can draw the observer's attention.


These birds are found in a variety of habitats, including sandy beaches, shingle riverbeds, and subalpine areas. They show a preference for open patches of elevated sand or shells for nesting, often near stream mouths.


The Double-banded Plover breeds across New Zealand, including the Chatham and Auckland Islands. Post-breeding, many migrate to coastal New Zealand and a significant number to southeastern Australia, including Tasmania.


The Double-banded Plover is known for its seasonal monogamy, with pairs forming for the duration of the breeding season. Males display their bands and perform loud calls to attract females, who choose from several nests presented by the male. The species is unique in its west-east migratory pattern, unlike the typical north-south axis of other wading birds.

Song & Calls

The bird's call is a clear "chirp-chirp," which is easily recognizable and can aid in detection.


Breeding occurs from August to September, with the potential for multiple clutches if predation occurs. Chicks are precocial, leaving the nest within a day and feeding themselves under the watchful eyes of their parents.

Similar Species

The Double-banded Plover can be confused with other plovers, but its distinctive bands and call help differentiate it.

Diet and Feeding

These plovers are opportunistic carnivores, feeding on a variety of invertebrates and insects. They forage by day and night, employing different techniques depending on the light conditions.

Conservation status

The Double-banded Plover is currently classified as Near Threatened. Threats include predation by introduced mammals, habitat loss, and human disturbances. Conservation efforts have included protection measures such as local rāhui (prohibitions) to safeguard breeding areas.

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