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A photo of a Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera), male
Common Bronzewing, Male

Common Bronzewing

Phaps chalcoptera

The Common Bronzewing, Phaps chalcoptera, presents as a medium-sized, robust pigeon, a native avian of Australia. It is distinguished by its remarkable resilience, thriving in a vast array of habitats across the continent, save for the most arid deserts and impenetrable rainforests.

Identification Tips

Males sport a pale-yellow to yellow-white forehead and a pinkish breast, while both sexes boast a distinctive white line encircling the eye. A characteristic feature of the bronzewing pigeons is the presence of iridescent patches on their wings, displaying hues of red, blue, and green. Juveniles tend to have a more subdued coloration, leaning towards brown, and lack the vibrancy of adults.


The Common Bronzewing is rarely found far from water sources, indicating a preference for environments where drinking opportunities are readily available.


This species is one of the most common pigeons in Australia, demonstrating an impressive adaptability to various landscapes across the continent.


These pigeons may be observed alone, in pairs, or in flocks. They exhibit a cautious nature, often eluding close encounters with humans and other potential threats. Their size ranges from 30 to 36 centimeters in length.

Song & Calls

The species is known for its distinctive, mournful "whooo" call, which it emits in a consistent, metronomic rhythm.


Common Bronzewings construct rudimentary nests from twigs and sticks, typically situated within the lower branches of trees or shrubs. Both parents partake in incubation duties, with the eggs hatching after approximately 14 to 16 days. The care of the young is a shared responsibility, with both parents producing a nutritious crop milk to nourish their offspring.

Diet and Feeding

Their diet is predominantly seed-based, supplemented with a variety of vegetables. They forage in small groups and may travel extensively in search of sustenance, necessitating frequent visits to watering holes or other available water sources.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List categorizes the Common Bronzewing as Least Concern, reflecting a stable population without immediate threats to its survival.

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