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A photo of a Forest Canary (Crithagra scotops), male
Forest Canary, Male

Forest Canary

Crithagra scotops

The Forest canary (Crithagra scotops) is a diminutive finch, a member of the Fringillidae family, that graces the subtropical and tropical forests of South Africa and Eswatini with its presence. This avian species, once classified under the genus Serinus, now resides within the genus Crithagra following a revision based on phylogenetic analysis.

Identification Tips

When observing the Forest canary, one can note its compact size, ranging from 11 to 13 centimeters in length and weighing between 10 to 14 grams. The male is adorned with yellow feathers on its back and wings, tinged with a subtle green, while the female exhibits a greenish-gray plumage with yellow underparts. Both sexes are characterized by a distinctive black mask extending from the forehead to the eyes, and their upper parts are marked with black streaks. The juvenile resembles the female but is cloaked in a dull olive hue.


The Forest canary is a denizen of subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and montane forests, where it finds refuge and sustenance.


This species is indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa, with its range encompassing countries such as Cameroon, Congo, and Kenya. It thrives in a variety of environments, from the Eastern Cape's dry Euphorbia-dominated woodlands to the highveld grasslands' remnant forest patches, and from sea level up to 1800 meters.


Forest canaries are sociable birds, often foraging in small groups or pairs. They exhibit a preference for foraging close to the ground or near bushes and flowers, and they tend to seek cover while feeding to remain concealed from potential predators.

Song & calls

Unfortunately, the source provided does not include information on the song and calls of the Forest canary.


The breeding season for the Forest canary typically spans from October to March, though this can vary with local climate conditions. These birds are monogamous, forming long-term pair bonds. Nest construction is a collaborative effort, with the female building the nest and the male gathering materials. They may produce up to two broods per season, with each brood consisting of 2-5 eggs. After a 14-day incubation period, both parents feed the chicks until they fledge, which occurs within 14-19 days.

Similar Species

The source provided does not offer information on species similar to the Forest canary.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Forest canary primarily consists of seeds, fruits, and figs, including seeds from Panicum, Alyssum, and Passerina corymbosa, as well as Penaea cneorum flowers. They also consume leaves from plants like Senecio and Ptaeroxylon obliquum. Insects are incorporated into their diet during the breeding season as a source of additional protein.

Conservation status

The Forest canary is currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List, indicating that it is not at immediate risk of extinction. However, it does face threats from environmental factors such as deforestation, natural disasters, and wildfires. Predation by the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is also noted.

Forest Canary Sounds

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Forest Canaries on Birda


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