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Yellow-bellied Eremomela

Eremomela icteropygialis

The Yellow-bellied Eremomela, Eremomela icteropygialis, is a diminutive avian species, measuring a mere 10 centimeters in length and tipping the scales at approximately 9 grams. Its plumage is a study in subtlety, with grey upperparts that transition to a darker, olive hue across the wings and tail. A delicate pale grey supercilium graces its face, contrasted by a dark stripe that pierces through the eye. The breast, a soft grey, gently yields to a vibrant lemon yellow belly, and the bill presents in a somber blackish tone. Variations among subspecies manifest in the extent and intensity of the yellow underbelly, with some birds in the western southern regions of Africa displaying a whitish throat and breast.

Identification Tips

To identify this species, look for the contrast between the grey breast and the lemon yellow belly. The thin pale grey supercilium and the blackish eye stripe are also key features. Both sexes appear similar, though juveniles can be distinguished by their less vivid yellow underparts.


The Yellow-bellied Eremomela favors the open woodlands, savannahs, and dry scrublands that stretch across the African continent south of the Sahara.


This species boasts a vast range, with an estimated expanse of over 7,100,000 square kilometers.


A creature of habit, the Yellow-bellied Eremomela constructs a cup-shaped nest within the branches of trees or shrubs, where it lays two to four pristine white eggs. Monogamous and territorial, these birds pair for life. In their daily endeavors, they may be observed alone, in pairs, or within family groups, diligently foraging on the ground or amidst foliage for insects and other small invertebrates.

Song & Calls

The vocalizations of this species are characterized by a high-pitched, repetitive tchee-tchee-tchuut.

Conservation status

The Yellow-bellied Eremomela is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, thanks to its large population size and extensive range. It does not meet the criteria for population decline that would warrant a higher threat category. However, it is worth noting that the subspecies known as salvadorii, found in Zaire, Gabon, Angola, and Zambia, is sometimes considered a separate species, Eremomela salvadorii.

Yellow-bellied Eremomela Sounds

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Yellow-bellied Eremomelas on Birda


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