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Uniform Swiftlet

Aerodramus vanikorensis

The Uniform Swiftlet, known scientifically as Aerodramus vanikorensis, is a sociable bird of medium size, characterized by its shallowly forked tail. It measures approximately 13 cm in length, with a wingspan that averages around 27 cm, and weighs about 11 grams. Its plumage is a uniform dark grey-brown, with the upperparts being notably darker and the underparts slightly lighter, particularly on the chin and throat.

Identification Tips

When identifying the Uniform Swiftlet, look for its dark grey-brown coloring, which is darker on the back and lighter beneath. The shallow fork in its tail is also a distinguishing feature. It can be confused with the White-rumped Swiftlet or Mountain Swiftlet, so careful observation is required.


The Uniform Swiftlet is typically found foraging over lowland forests and open areas. It roosts in caves and sinkholes, often in limestone regions, and occasionally utilizes man-made structures such as tunnels.


This species has a broad distribution, ranging from the Philippines through Wallacea, New Guinea, and Melanesia. It has also been observed as a rare vagrant in Australia, specifically from Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait islands.


The Uniform Swiftlet is gregarious and often seen in groups. It is adept at foraging for flying insects, which it captures in flight.

Diet and Feeding

Its diet consists primarily of flying insects, with a particular preference for ants.


Breeding occurs colonially in caves, where the Uniform Swiftlet employs echolocation to navigate in the dark. The nest is a shallow cup made of mossy material and saliva, typically affixed to a vertical cave wall. The clutch usually contains one or two white eggs, with an incubation period of at least twelve days and a fledging time of around thirty-five days.

Conservation Status

The IUCN has classified the Uniform Swiftlet as "Least Concern" due to its extensive range and stable population. There are no significant threats identified that could endanger this species at present.

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Uniform Swiftlets on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Frank Madia
Frank Madia
22 May 1999 - 12:00am

More Swifts

A photo of a Himalayan Swiftlet (Aerodramus brevirostris)

Himalayan Swiftlet

Aerodramus brevirostris
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