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Black-eared Sparrow-Lark

Eremopterix australis

The black-eared sparrow-lark, also known as the black-eared finch lark, is a small, unassuming bird with a rather inconspicuous appearance, yet it holds a certain charm for those who take the time to observe it. Its plumage is primarily a blend of subtle earth tones, providing excellent camouflage against the arid landscapes it inhabits.

Identification Tips

When endeavoring to identify the black-eared sparrow-lark, look for its distinctive black ear patches, which are particularly prominent in males. The bird's overall coloration is a muted mix of browns and grays, allowing it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings.


This species is well-adapted to life in subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, as well as subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland. It thrives in these arid environments, where vegetation is sparse and the ground is often parched.


The black-eared sparrow-lark graces the southern reaches of the African continent, with its range extending through southern Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. It is a bird of the drylands, finding solace in the vast open spaces of these regions.


Observations of the black-eared sparrow-lark reveal a bird that is at home on the ground. It is here that it spends much of its time, foraging and going about its daily activities with a quiet diligence.

Similar Species

One may occasionally confuse the black-eared sparrow-lark with the grey-backed sparrow-lark, Eremopterix verticalis. However, the latter is generally recognized as a separate species and can be distinguished by differences in plumage and range.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the black-eared sparrow-lark is not extensively documented, but it is reasonable to infer that it consists of seeds and insects, as is typical for larks inhabiting similar environments.

Conservation status

BirdLife International has assessed the black-eared sparrow-lark as being of Least Concern. This suggests that, for now, the species does not face immediate threats that would jeopardize its survival.

In the vastness of the African shrubland, the black-eared sparrow-lark continues its existence, a small but enduring part of the continent's rich avian tapestry.

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Black-eared Sparrow-Larks on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Lizelle Burden
Lizelle Burden
15 Jan 2024 - 2:42pm
South Africa

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