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Short-clawed Lark

Certhilauda chuana

The Short-clawed Lark, or Short-clawed Bush-Lark, is a modestly adorned species of lark, belonging to the family Alaudidae. It is a bird that has adapted to life in the dry savannahs, where its plumage blends seamlessly with the arid landscape.

Identification Tips

This lark can be recognized by its relatively short claws, a feature that distinguishes it from its congeners. Its plumage is typically earth-toned, providing excellent camouflage against the dry savannah backdrop.


The Short-clawed Lark is a denizen of the dry savannah, a habitat characterized by sparse tree cover and an abundance of grasses and shrubs. This environment provides the lark with the resources it needs to thrive.


The species is found primarily in Botswana and South Africa, where it has adapted to the local conditions of the dry savannah regions.


The Short-clawed Lark exhibits interesting breeding behaviors, with variations noted between different populations. In South Africa, the eastern population is known to have multiple broods per breeding season, while the western population in Botswana typically breeds just once per season. After the young have fledged, they remain with their parents for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, learning the ways of the savannah.


The Short-clawed Lark lays clutches of two to three eggs, with average clutch sizes ranging from 2.27 to 2.75 eggs in studies. The incubation period is around 15 days, which is notably the longest of any African lark species.

Conservation Status

The IUCN Red List has classified the Short-clawed Lark as Least Concern, indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers that would warrant a higher level of concern.

In the vastness of the savannah, the Short-clawed Lark continues its life cycle, a small but resilient part of the ecosystem. Its presence, while perhaps not as conspicuous as some of its avian counterparts, is a testament to the diversity and adaptability of larks as a group.

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Short-clawed Larks on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Jay Coertzen
Jay Coertzen
28 Dec 2023 - 5:37am
South Africa

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