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Grey Silky-flycatcher

Ptiliogonys cinereus

The Grey Silky-flycatcher, known scientifically as Ptiliogonys cinereus, is a charming bird species belonging to the Ptiliogonatidae family. It presents a sleek appearance with its silky plumage predominantly in shades of grey.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify this species, look for its distinctive grey coloration, which is the hallmark of the Grey Silky-flycatcher. The bird's overall plumage is a soft grey, which can be observed across its range.


The Grey Silky-flycatcher is typically found in montane forests, where it frequents both mesic and xeric environments. It is also known to inhabit adjacent scrublands, demonstrating a preference for the varied landscapes within its altitude range.


This species is primarily seen within the bounds of Guatemala and Mexico. However, there have been occasional sightings of vagrant individuals in the southern United States, hinting at its potential for wider dispersal.


Observations of the Grey Silky-flycatcher reveal a bird that is well-adapted to its montane forest habitat. Its behavior is characteristic of its family, with agile movements and a propensity for perching conspicuously when not in flight.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List categorizes the Grey Silky-flycatcher as Least Concern, indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population levels that would warrant a higher degree of conservation action.

Grey Silky-flycatcher Sounds

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Grey Silky-flycatchers on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Alex Wight
Alex Wight
10 May 2024 - 10:46pm

More Silky-flycatchers

A photo of a Phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) , male


Phainopepla nitens
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