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A photo of a Grey Fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa)
Grey Fantail

Grey Fantail

Rhipidura albiscapa

The Grey Fantail, Rhipidura albiscapa, is a small, active bird, notable for its distinctive fanned tail. It exhibits a mid-to-dark grey or grey-brown coloration on its upper parts, with a lighter, often yellowish or orange hue on the underparts. A striking white throat and eye markings contrast with its plumage. The tail, comprising half of its 16 cm length, is edged or entirely white in some races, and is frequently displayed in a fan-like spread, showcasing the lighter outer feathers against the darker central ones.

Identification Tips

To identify the Grey Fantail, look for its constant movement and acrobatic flight as it pursues insects. The bird's lack of sexual dimorphism means males and females appear similar. Key features include the white throat, eye markings, and the contrasting tail feathers. Some subspecies, such as R. a. keasti, may present a darker plumage.


This species thrives in a variety of wooded environments, including eucalypt forests, rainforests, mangroves, and heaths. It is also a familiar sight in suburban gardens.


The Grey Fantail is commonly found across Australia, with its range extending to the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia.


Grey Fantails are incessantly active during daylight hours, flitting from perch to perch in search of flying insects. They are bold and unafraid of human proximity, often venturing close to people, especially in forested and garden settings.

Song & Calls

The call of the Grey Fantail is a metallic "cheek" sound, which can be uttered singly or in a rapid, chattering sequence.


The Grey Fantail is a seasonal breeder, known for constructing multiple nests, sometimes up to seven in a single season. These nests are compact and cup-shaped, often located in tree forks and crafted from moss, bark, and spider's web. The species lays clutches of three to four cream eggs, speckled with grey and brown.

Similar Species

While similar to the New Zealand Fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa), the Grey Fantail can be distinguished by differences in calls and other subtle morphological traits.

Diet and Feeding

Insectivorous by nature, the Grey Fantail captures flying insects with impressive aerial agility, often in response to disturbances caused by other animals or humans.

Conservation Status

The Grey Fantail is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable population without significant threats to its survival at present.

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