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A photo of a Fernwren (Oreoscopus gutturalis)


Oreoscopus gutturalis

The Fernwren, Oreoscopus gutturalis, is a diminutive and elusive bird, a member of the Acanthizidae family. It is the sole representative of its genus, a monotypic marvel of evolution. This bird is adorned with a striking white eyebrow and throat, set against a dark brown visage. Its upperparts are cloaked in dark olive-brown, while the underparts are a lighter shade, creating a subtle contrast. Both sexes are similar in appearance, with juveniles lacking the white facial features of adults. The Fernwren measures a modest 12–14 cm in length, and is equipped with a long, slender bill.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify the Fernwren, look for its distinctive white eyebrow and throat, which frame its dark face and black bib. The bird's long bill and the contrast between its olive-brown upperparts and paler underparts are also key characteristics to note.


The Fernwren is a denizen of the tropical moist lowland and montane forests of northern Queensland, Australia. It thrives in the dense understory, where moisture and shade are abundant.


This species is endemic to northeast Queensland, where it can be found at elevations ranging from 300 to 1,500 meters above sea level, though it is more commonly observed above 650 meters. Its range extends from the Paluma Range near Townsville to the Tully Gorge National Park and northwards to Cape Tribulation.


The Fernwren is a ground forager, meticulously searching through leaf litter in the damp and shaded gullies of highland rainforests. It is known for its characteristic head bowing and short tail flicking as it rummages through the forest detritus.

Song & Calls

This species communicates with an array of vocalizations, including high-pitched squeaks and whistles, a softer chattering sequence, and a buzzing, scolding call.


Breeding season for the Fernwren spans from July to January, peaking in October and November. The male and female collaborate to construct a domed nest, often concealed beneath an overhang or within a small cave. The nest is crafted from twigs, rootlets, moss, and lichen. The female lays two glossy white eggs, sometimes speckled with chestnut and tan, which she incubates for approximately 29 days. Both parents feed the nestlings for 21-23 days.

Diet and Feeding

The Fernwren's diet consists of arthropods and small skinks, which it forages from the forest floor.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List classifies the Fernwren as Endangered, highlighting the need for conservation efforts to ensure the survival of this unique species.

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Fernwrens on Birda

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Bryn Pickering
09 Nov 2022 - 6:55am

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Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
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