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Bismarck Black Myzomela

Myzomela pammelaena

The Bismarck black myzomela, also known as the ebony myzomela, is a diminutive yet striking member of the honeyeater family, Meliphagidae. This avian species is adorned with a sleek, glossy plumage that one might say absorbs the light, giving it a rather enchanting appearance.

Identification Tips

When endeavoring to identify the Bismarck black myzomela, one should look for its predominantly black plumage, which can appear almost liquid in its sheen. The bird's size is relatively small, characteristic of the Myzomela genus to which it belongs.


The natural habitat of this species is the subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. These lush environments provide the Bismarck black myzomela with ample foraging opportunities and nesting sites.


This bird is native to the Admiralty and St Matthias islands, which are part of the Bismarck Archipelago in Papua New Guinea. Here, it flits through the forest canopy, a shadow amongst the verdant foliage.

Conservation status

The Bismarck black myzomela is currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List. This suggests that, for now, the species is not facing any immediate threats to its survival on a global scale.

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A great app
Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
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