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Bismarck Hanging Parrot

Loriculus tener

The Bismarck hanging parrot, also known as the green-fronted hanging parrot (Loriculus tener), presents a dazzling array of colors. This diminutive avian species boasts a predominantly green plumage. A vivid red patch adorns the throat, while the beak is a stark black, and the eyes are a striking yellow. Sexual dimorphism is evident; males display a yellow or green rump and a yellow tail, whereas females have green cheeks with a subtle green/blue wash. The juveniles are distinguishable by their absence of throat patches and their brown beak and eyes.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify the Bismarck hanging parrot, look for the bright red throat patch, which is a key characteristic of the species. The male's yellow/green rump and yellow tail contrast with the female's green/blue cheek wash. Juveniles may be identified by their lack of throat patch and the brown coloration of their beak and eyes.


This species is endemic to the lush lowland rainforests of the Bismarck Archipelago, thriving at altitudes up to 500 meters, with a preference for regions below 200 meters.


The Bismarck hanging parrot graces the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. It is commonly found in the coastal and lowland areas of New Britain and New Ireland, steering clear of the central highlands. Its presence extends to the Duke of York Islands, New Hanover Island, and several other smaller islands in the vicinity.


The Bismarck hanging parrot is a rather elusive creature, often concealed from view. It is known to fraternize with other members of the Loriculus genus. Typically, these parrots are observed in small groups, ranging from pairs to quartets. The female is known to lay clutches of 3 to 4 eggs.

Diet and Feeding

A diet rich in variety, the Bismarck hanging parrot feeds on an assortment of wild fruits, flowers, and buds. Occasionally, it supplements its diet with small insect larvae, providing additional protein.

Conservation status

The Bismarck hanging parrot was once classified as Near Threatened due to deforestation and human encroachment, including mining and illegal logging. However, as of 2021, its status has been updated to Least Concern, with an estimated wild population of 15,000 to 30,000 individuals.

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